Monday, March 31, 2008

2 weeks left!!!!

Horray, horray!!!!! In 2 weeks I will officially be done my first year of my Bachelor of Education. It has been a great year and I have enjoyed the opportunity that I have to go for this degree, but I must admit that this year has been BORING. I have felt zero challenge and really I'm not sure if I have learned a whole lot. But that said, I am still excited that God has given me the OK to go forward with this and pursue my dream.

And on a side note not related to school at all, I had the opportunity over Easter weekend to go to an Oilers game, and I had a BLAST. My brother and me drove down to Edmonton on Saturday morning, went to the game in the afternoon, and drove back home that night. It made for a long day, but the game was probably the best game I've even been too and it was good to have the brother/sister time driving there and back.

And now I have to go teach piano, but I do want to say Happy Spring!!!!!

1 comment:

Martha said...

Happy Spring indeed! I hope the weather continues to get more beautiful each day