Friday, October 16, 2009

Baby Austin and more

Just thought I would share a couple pictures of my cute little, and she is little, niece. It's kind of hard to get a good picture because of all the tubes and stuff, but you can still see her and how small she is!!!!! Austin is doing well and the doctors are pleased with her levels and such. She hasn't grown too much weight wise, but she is a fighter and she's doing well!!!!!

Keri is not doing well however. There is pretty much constant pain and while the doctors are still treating the cancer with hopes that it will help with the pain, there is no medical hope for a cure. We have not given up hope as the Lord can and does work miracles, but life is kind of a waiting game right now. The cancer brings with it a high risk of blood clots, which will likely cause death before the cancer will, so it's tough to know what to pray and what to do right now.

I am doing well with the pregnancy however. The second ultrasound is in a three weeks and I am feeling baby move every day and we are just waiting for when Dan can feel it on the outside!!!!!!!!!!!! My sister is also pregnant now, and so at Thanksgiving supper we took a picture of the two of us. We are due a week apart and are pretty much exactly the same size!!!!!!
And that's it for now!!!!!!

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