Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The World We Live In

I live in a small town. I was born in this small town. In all reality, I will probably spend most, if not all, of my life in this small town. I have however had wonderful opportunities to travel to many different places in the world and I have enjoyed these ventures greatly. However, nothing ever gets the small town mentality out of a person.

In addition to growing up in a small town, I am a born-again Christian and believe the Bible word for word, which means that in most controversial topics, I lean to the right - which in today's world seems to be the upopular opinion.

Where is this going you ask?

Well I browse on a public forum website about pregnancy and parenting. I don't contribute to many conversations on there but I browse and in all honesty, it has opened my eyes to the spiritual/moral condition of others out there. Living in the small, northern town that I do kind of shelters me from the "true" condition of the world. This public forum allows me to see the real world (at least the North American part of it) and it saddens me to see how far from the Biblical worldview we have come. Life is no longer sacred. A baby is no longer considered a baby unless it is physically breathing on it's own outside of it's mother. A marriage can be thrown away for nothing. Affairs are common-place. Family doesn't necessarily come first. The Bible is a story and contains no factual information. It doesn't matter what you do, as long as it's right for you that's ok.

Where is the hope in that? Where is the santicity of human life? Where is the value of family? And most importantly, what is the point in doing the things you do if you don't have an eternal future?

This past weekend was Easter. I love Easter, but it doesn't usually bring the same excitement for me as Christmas. This year was different however. I think it's because of the miscarriage I had in March, but for some reason I just couldn't wait for Easter sunday to get here. The hope that Christ rising from the dead gives me (and everybody else who chooses to accept Him) is that I know for a fact that I will see my baby in Heaven. He/she may have only been 8 1/2 weeks "old" and wasn't bigger then a raspberry, but most major bodily organs and systems were already mostly formed. My babies heart was beating at one point. That "fetus" was my baby. Could that baby survive outside of me? No. That doesn't make it any less human. But because of my Saviors sacrifice for me, I have hope that not only will I one day see my baby, but that I can live my life with peace because I know my eternal future. This world may throw some pretty weird stuff at me and my viewpoint may be unpopular at times, but above all else, I know where I am going to end up.

Praise God! I serve a risen Savior, He's in the world today!

1 comment:

The Derksen Family said...

Well said, sis. Having the hope of eternal life and assurance of that is indeed something that we can 'hang our hat on'. I love you. ~Dallas