Saturday, May 19, 2012

Happy Anniversary!

Well it is no longer the 16th, but still, I can remember can't I?  Our third anniversary was on wednesday, May 16th.  We didn't do much.  Wednesday's are busy days for me & Dan.  I have Bible study in the morning and teach piano in the afternoon and evening.  So that was our day this last wednesday too!  To be fair, it was the last day of piano lessons before summer so as of next week wednesday's won't be so busy anymore, but still.

So funny story about our anniversary.  For 3 years Dan has been wanting to buy me the third ring for my set.  For 3 years I have been saying that we don't have the money (which we didn't).  This year Dan didn't even ask.  He mentioned it a couple times after my house sold, but I just said I didn't need it.  Then we got our income tax return.  He said nothing.  Then last week I went to do the bank stuff and budget stuff and found a receipt from the jewelers.  Oops.  Apparently I have trained Dan well because he put the receipt in the envelope before he was supposed to - so good thing for habits, but oops on his part!  So I kept it a secret that I knew what he had done.  I waited and then on wednesday morning he gave me my third ring.  I did tell him then that I had already known, and we laughed, but it's nice to feel special and it's good for Dan to just spend money because he likes doing that too.

Then last night we sent the girls to my parents for the night.  We went out to the Keg, had a starbucks, wandered around the bigger Walmart and bought some cheapo movies, came home and watched one cheapo movie "August Rush" - which we had seen before and both really like!  So there went the getting sleep part of the night because by the time the movie was over it was almost 1!  And of course we didn't manage to sleep in really, but that's ok.  It was nice to not have kids around for a few hours anyway!

So happy anniversary to us and here's to many many many more!

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