Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Merry Christmas

I think I write this every year, but I love Christmas.  I really love Christmas.  Christmas was always my favorite holiday of the year, and it still remains that, but with two babies in heaven now Easter has taken on a new significance as well.  However this post is about Christmas, and more specifically Christmas for those who don't have family. 

I've started sharing some of our thoughts about adoption this past year and while I don't really have anything new to report, I am always somewhat saddened at Christmas that there are kids who have no family to celebrate Christmas with them.  I know that Christmas is not the same all over the world so it doesn't have the same hoopla that we have here in North America, but it still saddens me that there are so many kids around who don't get any sort of celebration with family.

We bought the Third Day Christmas album this year (my attempt at finding Christmas music my husband actually likes!) and they have a song called Merry Christmas on it.  I quite literally cannot get through the song without tearing up.  This year is Brooklyn's first Christmas and it is so fun to watch her with the Christmas tree and various other decorations, and Maddison, being almost 3, is actually starting to understand Christmas now so that is so fun too!  And I cherish these Christmas's with my kids and the memories we are making for our girls.  And I know it will be the same once we have our adopted child(ren) here too and the thought of that just makes me smile, and cry, all at the same time!


Merry Christmas!

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