Wednesday, July 17, 2013

12 Weeks

I am 12 weeks today.  Some of you may ask, 12 weeks what?  Well today I am 12 weeks pregnant.  I am leaving the first trimester behind (and hopefully the nausea and dry heaving with it) and moving on into the 2nd.  For me that usually brings on headaches and in the last week I've had 3.  Luckily they have mostly been in the evening or at night, so some Tylenol and a wet cloth on the forehead have worked and I haven't had to adjust my day much.

Yesterday I heard baby's heartbeat.  Which is why I am writing this today.  After having lost two babies already, I am always thinking that something may happen and I'll loose this one too.  Which is why I haven't written much about this yet, although I haven't been shy in telling people I am pregnant.  This is the first time I've been able to hear baby's heartbeat this early.  I have turned down an early ultrasound for both pregnancies it has been offered and with Brooklyn we weren't able to hear the heartbeat this early via Doppler (with Maddison I was only having my first appointment this early!).  So I wasn't expecting to hear anything yesterday, but I knew that my doctor would try.  To my surprise she found it!  It was a beautiful 165 beats per minute. 

Now that I know we have a baby with a heartbeat, I must confess I feel much more confident that things will be ok.  I know that things can still go wrong, I've had too many friends lose babies between 12 & 20 weeks to be oblivious to the risks, but at least I know for now that baby Viel is floating around down there all safe and as healthy as we can know.

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