Saturday, November 3, 2012

Adoption Month!!!

So it's national adoption month.  I never paid much attention to this month before.  I've heard a lot about movember but nothing about adoption.  Why is it that growing mustaches takes precidence over saving kids?  I mean, I understand that movember does have a cause and that cause is good but kids should really take priority right?

And so to update you about our adoption plans, we are planning on attending the international seminar sometime in early 2013.  That's about the extent of it.  My brother did put me in contact with a friend of theirs who is adopting from Ethiopia so hopefully we will be able to have some questions answered there before we even get too far into this! 

And to completely change the subject without any transition at all, Dan had surgery on Wednesday.  He is doing well and his knee seems to be great!  He has felt pretty much zero pain and so we are hoping that his recovery will be speedy.  It's been a long week with everything going on and next week isn't looking to go by any faster, so hopefully we will be able to survive a "relaxing" week at home while Dan is recovering!


Marcy Payne said...

I do believe "Movember" didn't start out as a fundraising event but rather a "I can grow it faster than you" sort of thing. I followed the blog that started it a few years ago. I could be wrong though...My memory is like that. It does bother me too that mustaches are more important than children needing parents. I am so excited that you are making these steps toward adoption!

Glad Dan is doing well.

Jill Friesen said...

Hi Heather, I came across your blog through another blog...I have no idea if you will remember me, but I went to PRBI, I think maybe a year ahead of you?? Anyway, we adopted from Ethiopia 5 yrs ago. So, if you have any questions, I am than happy to help you. It has changed a lot since then, but I am still very much in the loop...
My email is I was Jill Jespersen back then and now Jill Friesen :)